Wednesday, December 16, 2009


he just a boy,
his charm,
his eye,
his mind,
told us a story.

but his heart,
his soul,
no story can tell.

he smile in his sleep,
he cry in his dream,
he laugh in his head.

call him crazy,
call him a liar,
call him a sinner,
call him obsolete,
call him a fraud,
he will fake a smile,
and pass-by.

his past is clear,
his present is blur,
his future is out-of-sight,
but never out of blight.

so he chose,
so he begged,
so he turns,
so he cracks,
so he fight,
and he flight.

cursed him.
and cursed.

but he will move on,
but he will walk-away.

and he will fly,
and leave all behind,
after all,
he just a boy.
he just a human being.

once there was a boy......

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